A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Why would you split the Marion County schools?
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
It helps if the best 2 wrestlers are in the same region - no matter what pill is drawn they will be on opposite sides of the bracket.
Now wihen there are several good wrestlers and they get left out of states that is a different story.
Now wihen there are several good wrestlers and they get left out of states that is a different story.
- Posts: 76
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Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
baxter841 wrote:It helps if the best 2 wrestlers are in the same region - no matter what pill is drawn they will be on opposite sides of the bracket.
Now wihen there are several good wrestlers and they get left out of states that is a different story.
Ding Ding we have a winner. I believe that regions in both AA & AAA have been stacked to keep the top teams together in hopes of state match ups on opposite sides.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
How does this look for regionals 2021 to 2024?
Region 1
Berkley Springs
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
North Marion
Oak Glen
Paden City
Tyler Consolidated
St. Marys
Wheeling Central
Region 2
Braxton County
Clay County
Doddridge County
East Hardy
Lewis County
Liberty Harrison
Notre Dame
Roane County
Robert C Byrd
South Harrison
Phillip Barbour
Ritchie County
Region 3
Webster County
Greenbrier West
Liberty Raleigh
Meadow Bridge
Midland Trail
Nicolas County
Pike View
Shady Spring
Wyoming East
Herbert Hoover
Region 4
Wirt County
Calhoun County
Chapmanville Regional
Mingo Central
Point Pleasant
St Joseph Central
Parkersburg Catholic
Region 1
Berkley Springs
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
North Marion
Oak Glen
Paden City
Tyler Consolidated
St. Marys
Wheeling Central
Region 2
Braxton County
Clay County
Doddridge County
East Hardy
Lewis County
Liberty Harrison
Notre Dame
Roane County
Robert C Byrd
South Harrison
Phillip Barbour
Ritchie County
Region 3
Webster County
Greenbrier West
Liberty Raleigh
Meadow Bridge
Midland Trail
Nicolas County
Pike View
Shady Spring
Wyoming East
Herbert Hoover
Region 4
Wirt County
Calhoun County
Chapmanville Regional
Mingo Central
Point Pleasant
St Joseph Central
Parkersburg Catholic
Last edited by aacoach62 on Tue Feb 25, 2020 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach62 wrote:How does this look for regionals 2021 to 2024?
Region 1
Berkley Springs
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
North Marion
Oak Glen
Paden City
Tyler Consolidated
St. Marys
Wheeling Central
Region 2
Braxton County
Clay County
Doddridge County
East Hardy
Lewis County
Liberty Harrison
Notre Dame
Roane County
Robert C Byrd
South Harrison
Phillip Barbour
Ritchie County
Region 3
Webster County
Greenbrier West
Liberty Raleigh
Meadow Bridge
Midland Trail
Nicolas County
Pike View
Shady Spring
Wyoming East
Herbert Hoover
Region 4
Wirt County
Calhoun County
Chapmanville Regional
Mingo Central
Point Pleasant
Herbert Hoover
St Joseph Central
Parkersburg Catholic
aside from the dates (This would only be for the 20/21 and 21/22 seasons, then there will be an evaluation of the 4 class system) I think this is exactly like something WVSSAC would send out. Shoot I'd bet they will send this out as soon as, yesterday.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Yep, It was in my school mail this morning. My understanding it's the final draft.
- Posts: 69
- Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2018 6:10 pm
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach62 wrote:Yep, It was in my school mail this morning. My understanding it's the final draft.
Region 3 only has 10 wrestling teams in it (Assuming Hoover moves to Region 4, as they are shown in both Region 3 and 4). Surely they'd at least give some effort to making the regional alignment relatively even (number of teams).
Maybe I'm wrong?
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:40 pm
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach126 wrote:aacoach62 wrote:Yep, It was in my school mail this morning. My understanding it's the final draft.
Region 3 only has 10 wrestling teams in it (Assuming Hoover moves to Region 4, as they are shown in both Region 3 and 4). Surely they'd at least give some effort to making the regional alignment relatively even (number of teams).
Maybe I'm wrong?
HH is in 3.
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- Location: Charleston, WV
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach62 wrote:How does this look for regionals 2021 to 2024?
Region 1
Berkley Springs
East Fairmont
Fairmont Senior
North Marion
Oak Glen
Paden City
Tyler Consolidated
St. Marys
Wheeling Central
Region 2
Braxton County
Clay County
Doddridge County
East Hardy
Lewis County
Liberty Harrison
Notre Dame
Roane County
Robert C Byrd
South Harrison
Phillip Barbour
Ritchie County
Region 3
Webster County
Greenbrier West
Liberty Raleigh
Meadow Bridge
Midland Trail
Nicolas County
Pike View
Shady Spring
Wyoming East
Herbert Hoover
Region 4
Wirt County
Calhoun County
Chapmanville Regional
Mingo Central
Point Pleasant
Herbert Hoover
St Joseph Central
Parkersburg Catholic
This seems a little odd and hopefully mistyped.
Region 1 - 17 teams
Region 2 - 19 teams
Region 3 - 14 teams (assuming Hoover since they are in there twice)
Region 4 - 17 teams
Region 3 either has 13 or 14 teams. Most of those teams don't have more than 5-6 wrestlers. Which means Independence and any other "powerhouse" in that region will practically always send a near full team by default. Can we keep the number of teams in each region at least semi close?
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Based on the newly released basketball configurations, it is not the AAA-AA-A State Tournament and the AAAA State Tournament.
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Fri Dec 18, 2015 1:40 pm
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach32 wrote:Based on the newly released basketball configurations, it is not the AAA-AA-A State Tournament and the AAAA State Tournament.
They still have way too much to figure out before they decide that.
But once the basketball trial is over there are a few options.
3 Tournaments
4A State
3A State
1A/2A State
2 Tournament
4A State
3A-1A state
2 Tournament
4A/3A state
2A/1A state.
Or who knows maybe that is when they go all class.
But before they get to that point they really need to see if this trial goes well.
I personally would like the see the 3 tournament option. But that is just to make it where I can see more wrestlers at the same tournament.

Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
I like the three tournament setting as well.
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Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Why don’t they make it simple. There is like 99 wrestling teams in the state. Start at the top by enrollment and take the first 33 teams and the second 33 and the last 33 and do a 3 class 32 man bracket tournament and get rid of the regions all together and let the wrestler decide who wins
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Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
scruffy wrote:Not sure who all moves to AAA or who moves down to AA aside from Bridgeport. Here is my suggested Regions
Region 1 (16 Teams)
Oak Glen
Wheeling Central
Paden City
Tyler Consolidated
St. Marys
Ritchie County
Doddridge County
Clay Battelle
Wirt County
North Marion
Interested to see what thoughts are. I feel this is pretty darn fair across the board.
So your idea is to take Region 1 from 18 teams down to 15 (Clay-Battelle has no team) and reduce the number of AA teams from 9 to 3, while every other region adds AA teams and loses A teams, and you see that as fair? What single A team are you a fan of?
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Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
aacoach15 wrote:Why would you split the Marion County schools?
In AA/A, we already split Kanawha County schools. Sissonville is in R4 and Hoover is in R3. I like the idea. This whole discussion is about splitting traditional powerhouse teams.
I raised splitting Parkersburg and Parkersburg South a few years ago. I still say we do it. DRIVE A WEDGE THROUGH WOOD COUNTY.
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Here's how ya fix it. Put all AA teams in 2 regions and all A teams in 2 regions. Top six out of each region. A must wrestle AA in in all pigtail or opening round matches, still using pill method ie: Region 1 AA 1vs Region 2A 4 or vice versa. This will allow more A wrestlers but should assure all the best wrestlers are competing for a state title.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
so, just like the rest of society....squeeze the middle class?DevilAum wrote:Here's how ya fix it. Put all AA teams in 2 regions and all A teams in 2 regions. Top six out of each region. A must wrestle AA in in all pigtail or opening round matches, still using pill method ie: Region 1 AA 1vs Region 2A 4 or vice versa. This will allow more A wrestlers but should assure all the best wrestlers are competing for a state title.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
Please tell me how that squeezes the middle class?
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
99 schools really isn't that many, considering there are district tournaments in Ohio where nearly that many teams are represented. If having a 1 class state tournament is out of the question for the SSAC, then split the schools is half with approximately 45 schools in each division.
- Posts: 5302
- Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
I think the team concept needs to become secondary. In actuality, it already is. There is maybe at best a two team race in AAA, a possible two team race in A and no chance in Hades for anybody in AA unless you have Village Pizza planned for a Saturday night feast come February 29th.
The state tournament is about individual performance first. How many "teams" have qualified 5 or less wrestlers?
Based on these hard facts to digest, the answer is to load up the regions with every single body that is on any wrestling team. There were 40+ girls at the girls' states. Who is afraid of letting them fill byes in these regions? The WSAZ had quite a few JVs seeded. Who is afraid of JVs?
Afraid some JVs will knock out wrestlers and hurt their team's team point standing? There is no team point standing.
There is maybe at best a two team race in AAA, a possible two team race in A and no chance in Hades for anybody in AA unless you have Village Pizza planned for a Saturday night feast come February 29th.
The state tournament is about individual performance first. How many "teams" have qualified 5 or less wrestlers?
Based on these hard facts to digest, the answer is to load up the regions with every single body that is on any wrestling team. There were 40+ girls at the girls' states. Who is afraid of letting them fill byes in these regions? The WSAZ had quite a few JVs seeded. Who is afraid of JVs?
Afraid some JVs will knock out wrestlers and hurt their team's team point standing? There is no team point standing.
There is maybe at best a two team race in AAA, a possible two team race in A and no chance in Hades for anybody in AA unless you have Village Pizza planned for a Saturday night feast come February 29th.
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.
Re: A/AA Realignment 2020 - 2024 Proposal
WP1992 wrote:99 schools really isn't that many, considering there are district tournaments in Ohio where nearly that many teams are represented. If having a 1 class state tournament is out of the question for the SSAC, then split the schools is half with approximately 45 schools in each division.
I'm not really just responding to your proposal, just citing it as a starting point.
First of all, it is almost never a AAA issue as to how many classes there are. In other words, it is not a fear of the AAA wrestler that they may not be a State Champion because a AA or A wrestler can beat them. They just take that in stride as part of the sport. It is almost invariably that of either a AA perspective wanting possibly more recognition on the occasions when they might be able to beat the AAA wrestler or more commonly that of a A school feeling that the playing field is uneven due the smaller pool of students to draw from for fielding a complete team. The A teams and some AA teams also feel they are at a disadvantage because of either funding or competition in the practice room. These are not necessarily incorrect thoughts. It's just that merely making it easier for an individual to win a state title by decreasing individual competition would seem to be a bad idea. The current set up, although maybe not absolutely ideal, would seem to give all teams a fair chance of being the team champion in their particul ar classification without diluting down the competition on the individual level.
Bearhugger tends to point out that the team competition is often a forgone conclusion. However, this is mainly due to South's dominance over the past several years and he tends to use that as a reason to somewhat ignore the importance of the team title. I know it is not his intention, but he is allowing this dominance to cause himself to make statements that could imply a diminished significance of the team title. I assure it is just as hard for South to win the team title year after year as it would be for any other team to achieve this success as a one time champion. As far as merely dividing the classifications in half, an important concept in wrestling is to consider wrestlers and not teams. Dividing things this way would result in the larger school having maybe 45 wrestlers vying for a state title, while there might only be half as many wrestlers per weight class in the smaller school classification with a significant drop off in the "quality" of competition along with "quantity" (mainly due to just the years of experience of the wrestlers and not their heart and determination). The upper classification schools really may not care, but do the smaller classification individuals really want to win a state title that has diminished meaning when t is created in such a fashion?
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