For what it's worth, I took the entrants from the 2015 regional tournaments and put them all in a spreadsheet. I then took those same teams/regions and realigned them with the 2017 classifications, but using the 2015 data.
I realize the numbers aren't exactly the same, but if you took the 2015 wrestlers and put them in the 2017 classifications, the 106-pounders in the proposed AA/A Region 1 would get screwed over big time. There were 11 106-pounders from the schools that will make up AA/A Region 1 in 2017. There were 2 106-pounders from the schools that will make up AA/A Region 4 in 2017.
In my opinion, a regional tournament-style qualifying event does not work well for an individual sport such as wrestling, especially when there are so many schools with 1, 2, or 3 wrestlers, compared to a few that field a full team, leading to the possibility of a vacancy at the state tournament. I know it's been said before, but I think that the 5th place finishers from all regions should be given the chance to wrestle for a spot in the state tournament when the lack of participants in one or more other regions has caused a vacancy.
My dream situation, though, would be to let all varsity participants wrestle in one state tournament. If you look at totals at the top of the spreadsheet, no weight class had more than 64 entrants in both divisions combined. A 64-man bracket at the state tournament would allow for all schools to enter their entire varsity team. (I don't really agree that junior varsity wrestlers should wrestle in the state tournament, even though I know there are JV wrestlers at "my" school who could probably place in the state tournament. I believe that it's an honor to make the varsity team, and that it gives a kid something to work harder for.) A 64-man bracket with one state champion per weight class, and a team champion for each of the three divisions (like they do at the OVAC and the WSAZ) would be ideal in my book.
Hey, you could still have the regional tournaments to use as criteria for seeding, but I don't believe it should be the only criteria. Perhaps if coaches knew that the Coaches Association Polls were the main seeding criteria, then they'd make sure their results got posted.

Anyway, if you haven't fallen asleep by now reading this long post, take a look at my spreadsheet and pick it (and my opinion) apart as you so desire.

Now, let me see if I can remember how to attach this thing. LOL