How the Role of a Wrestler Mirrors the Christian Life
Author: Michael Fessler
Available at,, e-book/kindle/nook $5.99; soft, and more! cover $11.99 (discounts available through the various different book retailers).
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CLICK THE LINK BELOW (or cut and paste) to watch the Faith and Wrestling Promo Video (featuring: author Michael Fessler and 4x All-American and 2010 NCAA Champion, Jayson Ness). SHARE THIS VIDEO AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!
Endorsements for the book Faith and Wrestling
The Bible tells us that believers are transformed by the renewing of their minds. Another way of putting this is ...taking into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. This means learning how to think of all of life, including sport, from a biblical perspective. Michael Fessler's book is drenched in Christian worldview. Those who wrestle with its truths will be the richer for it. I wish that I had been able to drink from its wisdom as a young man but am grateful to be able to do so as an old(er) one.
- JACK SPATES, M.Div. Baptist Bible College & Seminary, and former head coach at Oklahoma University
My belief has always been that wrestling is a microcosm of life. Most of the things that we are going to experience in life are going to be experienced in a wrestling career. Michael does an excellent job in paralleling the relationship between faith and wrestling. His book expresses the importance of developing the total athlete – spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially. I look forward to the day when people (including wrestlers) from “every nation, tribe, people and language” will gather to worship our God. (Revelation 7:9 and 11).
- GENE DAVIS, Director of Wrestling at Athletes In Action, and Bronze medalist in the ’76 Olympic Games
Michael Fessler concisely captures the heart of a Christian wrestler pursing God's glory. The book is captivating in combining biblical truths with real life stories. You will be encouraged and inspired to think about the gospel as greater than athletic glory as Fessler explains the biblical basis for competing. Just as Fessler's approach to use wrestling as a tool for the gospel, we at Athletes in Action use the sport of wrestling to share the gospel around the world. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is passionate about their faith and the sport of wrestling.
- ROB BRONSON, International Wrestling Team Coordinator Athletes In Action
Email Michael Fessler with questions and feedback at He would love to hear from you!
FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
Re: FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
Thank you to everyone who has viewed this thread! I just want to let you all know that I just completed an interview with Intermat a couple days ago regarding myself and the book. The article will be published in the coming weeks. Once it is available, I will make sure to provide a link to it on the forum.
Re: FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
As promised, here is a link to the article about myself and the book on that is the featured story today:
Re: FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
Hi all! Here is another article published today by ... tling-book
Re: FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
I have created a Facebook page in order to provide additional means to communicate and relay information. Add me as a friend. Search: Michael Fessler or I would love to talk to you.
Re: FAITH AND WRESTLING - the book and promo video
I sat down with Scott Casber on TAKEDOWN RADIO the other day to talk about the book. Here's the interview:
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