BEAR TRACKS 2024 – 2025
In Season Edition – 1
New News:
1 By way of executive order, the Bear Tracks Committee will now rank “out of state transfers” accordingly based on their previous state tournament placement at their previous home state. No QOP points will be assigned for transfers. This is a first-time situation in Bear Tracks history. WV has at least two new wrestlers that were state place winners elsewhere.
2 Sunday, December 22nd, the “Great Ranking Reset” will occur. This will also be a Bear Tracks first. Details will be announced Sunday at high noon.
Date of Issue: December 18, 2024
Wrestler information is listed as follows: Name, School, State Tournament Place/Designation, Grade, QOP, SCHEDULED WEEKEND EVENT for December 21
Weight Classes:
120 AAA
1 Plinski, Washington, Runner Up, Junior Jefferson Duals
2 Cornett, Buckhannon-Upshur, Runner Up, Senior Jefferson Duals
3 Nieman, University, Fourth Place, Junior, QOP 25 Nurse Pro
4 Spitznogle, Fairmont Senior, Fifth Place, Sophomore, QOP 25 Nurse Pro
5 Dearth, Parkersburg South, Fifth Place, Junior, QOP 16 Shamrock Duals
6 Morgan, Huntington, Blood Round, Sophomore, QOP 21 North Canton Tourn
7 Long, St. Albans, Sixth Place, Sophomore, QOP 21 Idle
8 Carrodus, Parkersburg, Outsider, Junior Carnahan Mem Tourn
9 Burkes, Capital, Q, Fallen Heroes
10 Davis, George Washington, Q1, Senior, QOP 7 Fallen Heroes
11 Oleiwi, Martinsburg, Q1, Junior, QOP 4 Jefferson Duals
12 Fugate, Greenbrier East, Q, Sophomore, QOP 17 Fallen Heroes
13 Saucedo, Bridgeport, Q, Sophomore, QOP 10 SCHEDULE UNKNOWN
14 Davis, Oak Hill, Q, Sophomore, QOP 4 Jefferson Duals
15 Barbero, Woodrow Wilson, Outsider, Freshman Fallen Heroes
16 Lanham, Riverside, Outsider Fallen Heroes
2 Cornett, Buckhannon-Upshur, Runner Up, Senior Jefferson Duals
3 Nieman, University, Fourth Place, Junior, QOP 25 Nurse Pro
4 Spitznogle, Fairmont Senior, Fifth Place, Sophomore, QOP 25 Nurse Pro
13 Saucedo, Bridgeport, Q, Sophomore, QOP 10 SCHEDULE UNKNOWN
1 Plinski, Washington, Runner Up, Junior Jefferson Duals
11 Oleiwi, Martinsburg, Q1, Junior, QOP 4 Jefferson Duals
7 Long, St. Albans, Sixth Place, Sophomore, QOP 21 Idle
9 Burkes, Capital, Q, Fallen Heroes
10 Davis, George Washington, Q1, Senior, QOP 7 Fallen Heroes
12 Fugate, Greenbrier East, Q, Sophomore, QOP 17 Fallen Heroes
14 Davis, Oak Hill, Q, Sophomore, QOP 4 Jefferson Duals
15 Barbero, Woodrow Wilson, Outsider, Freshman Fallen Heroes
16 Lanham, Riverside, Outsider Fallen Heroes
5 Dearth, Parkersburg South, Fifth Place, Junior, QOP 16 Shamrock Duals
6 Morgan, Huntington, Blood Round, Sophomore, QOP 21 North Canton Tourn
8 Carrodus, Parkersburg, Outsider, Junior Carnahan Mem Tourn
Comments: Based on where this weight class stands, it is a perfect illustration that the current “take 4 out of each geographical region” approach needs to be reviewed and modified.
Bear Tracks 1 - AAA 120
- Posts: 5302
- Joined: Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:14 am
Bear Tracks 1 - AAA 120
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.
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