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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:11 pm
by Geoswaff
This weekend was bittersweet. I watched my high school senior come up short of his goal of placing at states. I spent all day Saturday reflecting on the last 4 years and how I was going to miss it all so much. The pain of seeing the disappointment in my sons eyes. On our ride home from states on Saturday night, my wife reminded me that our two younger boys had a tournament in Ripley on Sunday. It was really the last thing I wanted to hear. Our younger boys just didn't have the fire for the sport that my older boy did and had never done that well at a tournament.

Then a crazy thing happened, my 8 year old wrestled like I always suspected he could. He breezed into the finals with two pins in less than a minute. Then gets stuck in the first period of the finals, worms around and keeps his shoulder up for the next 30 seconds to avoid the pin. He then somehow battled back for the 7 to 5 win and the tournament chamionship. Poor kid didn't even know he'd won until the ref raised his hand.
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The sweetness of that moment after the bitterness of states is a feeling I will treasure. Here we go again fella's!!!!!

Re: Bittersweet

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:39 pm
by sfc1
Thank you for sharing that. We need more posts like this and less sarcasm and negativity.

Re: Bittersweet

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 8:48 pm
by B Lawrence
My oldest son made states his senior year and it was gut wrenching when he was eliminated. This year my youngest son a freshman qualified for states with his big brother watching, needless to say it was moving. Enjoy the time with your young ones before you know it they will be at states.

Re: Bittersweet

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:44 am
by aaacoach89
Great post. Enjoy the time with the younger you know time flies by too fast. We blink and it's gone.

Re: Bittersweet

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 7:44 pm
by Refuse-to-lose
Good stuff !! It seems like only a few years have gone by since I was watching my son wrestling as a little fella. Oh how time flies........Great post