Cardinal Conference Trivia

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Cardinal Conference Trivia

Postby Bearhugger » Wed Feb 19, 2025 2:33 pm

Last weekend we had the Cardinal Conference Tournament. It was Ripley's first year being a member, and they came in second place to Hoover.

1. The tournament placed the top four.
2. Evidently two weight classes only had three wrestlers, despite there being six teams in the conference. In addition, there were many JV teams.

14 weight classes X 4 place winners = 56

56 - 2 weight classes with only three wrestlers = 54 place winners.

Hoover's teams took up 21 out of 54 place winners or 38.89% of the placers.

In two weight classes, Hoover took 3 of the top 4 placements.

In three weight classes, Hoover took 2 of the top 4 placement.

Is this a fluke? Is this the future of WV wrestling? It is definitely the current status.

Good luck to all the next three weekends.
The state tournament qualification process needs to be improved first and foremost.

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Joined: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:39 pm

Re: Cardinal Conference Trivia

Postby KDunbar » Wed Feb 19, 2025 5:04 pm

Bearhugger wrote:Last weekend we had the Cardinal Conference Tournament. It was Ripley's first year being a member, and they came in second place to Hoover.

1. The tournament placed the top four.
2. Evidently two weight classes only had three wrestlers, despite there being six teams in the conference. In addition, there were many JV teams.

14 weight classes X 4 place winners = 56

56 - 2 weight classes with only three wrestlers = 54 place winners.

Hoover's teams took up 21 out of 54 place winners or 38.89% of the placers.

In two weight classes, Hoover took 3 of the top 4 placements.
In three weight classes, Hoover took 2 of the top 4 placement.

Is this a fluke? Is this the future of WV wrestling? It is definitely the current status.

Good luck to all the next three weekends.

It's a little worse than you think. There were actually 22 Hoover wrestlers placing. With Ripley placing all 14 wrestlers, plus 1 B teamer, that's 37 of the 54 placers, leaving 17 from all remaining teams. And 2 of those 17 placed in the brackets where there were only 3 competitors (not saying they were specifically bad wrestlers, just making an observation). That leaves 15 remaining from the 4 teams, or an average of 3.75 wrestlers each over those 12 weight classes. I'm not certain it is a totally accurate representation of WV overall, but it does make a point that we all have been seeing. Participation is way down (except at Herbert Hoover, where I bet they post their scores).

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