results - Washington Elite Opener

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results - Washington Elite Opener

Postby brentsams » Sun Dec 08, 2024 7:34 pm

Washington Elite Opener
Washington High School
Charles Town, WV 25414

Team Scores
1 Skyline 412.0
2 Woodgrove 322.0
3 Washington 309.0
4 Benedictine 238.0
4 Berkeley Springs 238.0
4 Keyser 238.0
7 Stonebridge 186.0
8 Mount St. Joseph 184.0
9 Riverbend 157.0
10 Spring Mills 154.0
11 Fairmont Senior 133.0
12 Strasburg 106.0

Tournament Results
Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Paden Alyea of Skyline
2nd Place - Royce Wetzler of Benedictine
3rd Place - Moose Reichow of Stonebridge
4th Place - Deacon Stanislawcyzk of Keyser
5th Place - Nolan Adolphson of Strasburg
6th Place - Angelo Kibby of Mount St. Joseph
7th Place - Thomas Goode of Woodgrove
8th Place - Avery Kidwell of Washington
Round 1
Royce Wetzler (Benedictine ) 42-2, So. over Nolan Adolphson (Strasburg) 3-2, Fr. (TF-1.5 2:59 (19-0))
Paden Alyea (Skyline) 15-4, So. over Angelo Kibby (Mount St. Joseph) 12-10, Jr. (Fall 1:13)
Moose Reichow (Stonebridge) 3-2, So. over Avery Kidwell (Washington) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:47)
Deacon Stanislawcyzk (Keyser) 31-6, So. over Thomas Goode (Woodgrove) 1-4, Fr. (Fall 3:37)
Round 2
Royce Wetzler (Benedictine ) 42-2, So. over Angelo Kibby (Mount St. Joseph) 12-10, Jr. (TF-1.5 1:07 (15-0))
Paden Alyea (Skyline) 15-4, So. over Nolan Adolphson (Strasburg) 3-2, Fr. (MD 10-1)
Moose Reichow (Stonebridge) 3-2, So. over Thomas Goode (Woodgrove) 1-4, Fr. (TF-1.5 4:31 (15-0))
Deacon Stanislawcyzk (Keyser) 31-6, So. over Avery Kidwell (Washington) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:14)
Round 3
Paden Alyea (Skyline) 15-4, So. over Royce Wetzler (Benedictine ) 42-2, So. (Dec 7-6)
Nolan Adolphson (Strasburg) 3-2, Fr. over Angelo Kibby (Mount St. Joseph) 12-10, Jr. (Fall 1:38)
Moose Reichow (Stonebridge) 3-2, So. over Deacon Stanislawcyzk (Keyser) 31-6, So. (MD 12-1)
Thomas Goode (Woodgrove) 1-4, Fr. over Avery Kidwell (Washington) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:15)
Round 4
Paden Alyea (Skyline) 15-4, So. over Deacon Stanislawcyzk (Keyser) 31-6, So. (Fall 1:39)
Royce Wetzler (Benedictine ) 42-2, So. over Moose Reichow (Stonebridge) 3-2, So. (Fall 1:45)
Nolan Adolphson (Strasburg) 3-2, Fr. over Avery Kidwell (Washington) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:13)
Angelo Kibby (Mount St. Joseph) 12-10, Jr. over Thomas Goode (Woodgrove) 1-4, Fr. (Dec 10-4)
Round 5
Paden Alyea (Skyline) 15-4, So. over Moose Reichow (Stonebridge) 3-2, So. (TF-1.5 3:16 (19-4))
Royce Wetzler (Benedictine ) 42-2, So. over Deacon Stanislawcyzk (Keyser) 31-6, So. (TF-1.5 1:59 (17-1))
Nolan Adolphson (Strasburg) 3-2, Fr. over Thomas Goode (Woodgrove) 1-4, Fr. (Fall 1:20)
Angelo Kibby (Mount St. Joseph) 12-10, Jr. over Avery Kidwell (Washington) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:38)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Jacob Buffum of Skyline
2nd Place - Bryce Nichols of Fairmont Senior
3rd Place - Landyn Lioi of Spring Mills
4th Place - Zachariah Strickland of Riverbend
5th Place - Aiden Swink of Strasburg
6th Place - Kaydan Durr of Keyser
7th Place - Luke Houchins of Benedictine
8th Place - Zach Hartley of Woodgrove
9th Place - Max Lausten of Stonebridge
1st Place Match
Jacob Buffum (Skyline) 47-9, So. over Bryce Nichols (Fairmont Senior) 39-6, Sr. (TF-1.5 3:29 (19-4))
3rd Place Match
Landyn Lioi (Spring Mills) 4-1, Jr. over Zachariah Strickland (Riverbend) 30-16, Jr. (Fall 4:32)
5th Place Match
Aiden Swink (Strasburg) 3-2, So. over Kaydan Durr (Keyser) 44-17, So. (Dec 8-4)
7th Place Match
Luke Houchins (Benedictine ) 36-19, Sr. over Zach Hartley (Woodgrove) 42-17, So. (Fall 1:10)
9th Place Match
Max Lausten (Stonebridge) 0-4, Fr. over () , . (Bye)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Kai Plinski of Washington
2nd Place - Haydyn Spitznogle of Fairmont Senior
3rd Place - Adam Skinner of Woodgrove
4th Place - Henry Jones of Benedictine
5th Place - D.J. Mabie of Skyline
6th Place - Tyler Chin of Stonebridge
7th Place - Elijah Parsell of Berkeley Springs
8th Place - Naim Smith of Keyser
9th Place - Anthony Perez of Washington
1st Place Match
Kai Plinski (Washington) 50-4, Jr. over Haydyn Spitznogle (Fairmont Senior) 38-11, So. (TF-1.5 2:00 (15-0))
3rd Place Match
Adam Skinner (Woodgrove) 48-8, Jr. over Henry Jones (Benedictine ) 2-2, Fr. (Dec 9-7)
5th Place Match
D.J. Mabie (Skyline) 3-2, Fr. over Tyler Chin (Stonebridge) 1-3, Sr. (TF-1.5 3:30 (15-0))
7th Place Match
Elijah Parsell (Berkeley Springs) 36-16, Jr. over Naim Smith (Keyser) 3-6, So. (Fall 2:46)
9th Place Match
Anthony Perez (Washington) 0-4, Fr. over () , . (Bye)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Parker Withers of Skyline
2nd Place - Jackson Swingle of Keyser
3rd Place - Dallas Owens of Spring Mills
4th Place - Jackson Knupp of Woodgrove
5th Place - Chad Votta of Mount St. Joseph
6th Place - Triston Wills of Fairmont Senior
7th Place - Sebastian Garcia of Stonebridge
8th Place - Vaughn Taylor of Berkeley Springs
9th Place - Conner Boyles of Skyline
10th Place - Major Chunn of Benedictine
11th Place - Matthew Custer of Washington
Champ. Round 1
Jackson Swingle (Keyser) 42-3, So. over Dallas Owens (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. (Dec 10-5)
Champ. Round 2
Parker Withers (Skyline) 51-7, Jr. over Jackson Swingle (Keyser) 42-3, So. (Dec 5-0)
Champ. Round 3
Parker Withers (Skyline) 51-7, Jr. over Dallas Owens (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. (Dec 4-1)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Jake Tamai of Mount St. Joseph
2nd Place - Benjamin Scheiner of Mount St. Joseph
3rd Place - Ben Spagnoli of Woodgrove
4th Place - Vinny DiVello of Skyline
5th Place - Daniel Clark of Berkeley Springs
6th Place - Isaac Hall of Stonebridge
7th Place - Cameron Kie of Skyline
8th Place - Ryan Swingle of Keyser
Round 1
Ben Spagnoli (Woodgrove) 42-12, Sr. over Cameron Kie (Skyline) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 1:03)
Benjamin Scheiner (Mount St. Joseph) 19-6, . over Ryan Swingle (Keyser) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 1:43)
Vinny DiVello (Skyline) 2-3, Fr. over Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs) 41-14, Sr. (Dec 9-4)
Jake Tamai (Mount St. Joseph) 31-6, Jr. over Isaac Hall (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 1:50)
Round 2
Ben Spagnoli (Woodgrove) 42-12, Sr. over Ryan Swingle (Keyser) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 1:54)
Benjamin Scheiner (Mount St. Joseph) 19-6, . over Cameron Kie (Skyline) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 0:45)
Jake Tamai (Mount St. Joseph) 31-6, Jr. over Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs) 41-14, Sr. (TF-1.5 3:49 (16-1))
Vinny DiVello (Skyline) 2-3, Fr. over Isaac Hall (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 2:00)
Round 3
Benjamin Scheiner (Mount St. Joseph) 19-6, . over Ben Spagnoli (Woodgrove) 42-12, Sr. (Dec 6-4)
Cameron Kie (Skyline) 1-4, Jr. over Ryan Swingle (Keyser) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 4:52)
Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs) 41-14, Sr. over Isaac Hall (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 3:09)
Jake Tamai (Mount St. Joseph) 31-6, Jr. over Vinny DiVello (Skyline) 2-3, Fr. (MD 13-1)
Round 4
Benjamin Scheiner (Mount St. Joseph) 19-6, . over Vinny DiVello (Skyline) 2-3, Fr. (Fall 1:58)
Jake Tamai (Mount St. Joseph) 31-6, Jr. over Ben Spagnoli (Woodgrove) 42-12, Sr. (MD 10-2)
Isaac Hall (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. over Cameron Kie (Skyline) 1-4, Jr. (MD 13-5)
Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs) 41-14, Sr. over Ryan Swingle (Keyser) 0-5, Fr. (TF-1.5 4:46 (15-0))
Round 5
Jake Tamai (Mount St. Joseph) 31-6, Jr. over Benjamin Scheiner (Mount St. Joseph) 19-6, . (MD 10-2)
Ben Spagnoli (Woodgrove) 42-12, Sr. over Vinny DiVello (Skyline) 2-3, Fr. (MD 17-4)
Daniel Clark (Berkeley Springs) 41-14, Sr. over Cameron Kie (Skyline) 1-4, Jr. (Fall 1:14)
Isaac Hall (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. over Ryan Swingle (Keyser) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 2:36)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Josiah Sykes of Skyline
2nd Place - Camden Murray of Woodgrove
3rd Place - Lane Metcalf of Keyser
4th Place - Connor Allison of Mount St. Joseph
5th Place - Jadon Shanholtz of Strasburg
6th Place - Jacob Morgan of Berkeley Springs
7th Place - Elliot Byers of Benedictine
8th Place - Mikell Gusciora of Berkeley Springs
9th Place - Austin Brown of Washington
10th Place - Eyan Gallegos of Washington
11th Place - Dominic Pyle of Spring Mills
Champ. Round 1
Josiah Sykes (Skyline) 48-4, Jr. over Camden Murray (Woodgrove) 40-11, Jr. (Fall 1:38)
Champ. Round 2
Camden Murray (Woodgrove) 40-11, Jr. over Lane Metcalf (Keyser) 41-11, So. (MD 16-7)
Champ. Round 3
Josiah Sykes (Skyline) 48-4, Jr. over Lane Metcalf (Keyser) 41-11, So. (Fall 1:07)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Brooklyn Pickett of Mount St. Joseph
2nd Place - Colten Jones of Woodgrove
3rd Place - Peyton Dean of Strasburg
4th Place - Nate Foldes of Benedictine
5th Place - Blake Messick of Spring Mills
6th Place - Kaiden Proctor of Berkeley Springs
7th Place - Isaiah Grady of Skyline
8th Place - Ian Ramsey of Riverbend
9th Place - Chase House of Keyser
10th Place - Cash Curry of Washington
11th Place - Blaise Cantley of Washington
Champ. Round 1
Brooklyn Pickett (Mount St. Joseph) 4-0, Fr. over Peyton Dean (Strasburg) 3-2, Sr. (TF-1.5 4:12 (17-0))
Champ. Round 2
Brooklyn Pickett (Mount St. Joseph) 4-0, Fr. over Colten Jones (Woodgrove) 4-1, Fr. (Fall 2:41)
Champ. Round 3
Colten Jones (Woodgrove) 4-1, Fr. over Peyton Dean (Strasburg) 3-2, Sr. (TF-1.5 1:53 (15-0))

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Logan McFarland of Washington
2nd Place - Cody Salomon of Skyline
3rd Place - Landon Herndon of Spring Mills
4th Place - Tanner Detrick of Keyser
5th Place - Cameron Rasmussen of Riverbend
6th Place - Donovan Burks of Strasburg
7th Place - Trent Fox of Berkeley Springs
8th Place - James Ortuno of Benedictine
9th Place - Spencer Groo of Woodgrove
10th Place - Jordan Unger of Berkeley Springs
1st Place Match
Logan McFarland (Washington) 46-7, Sr. over Cody Salomon (Skyline) 45-15, Sr. (Dec 5-0)
3rd Place Match
Landon Herndon (Spring Mills) 4-1, Sr. over Tanner Detrick (Keyser) 49-15, Sr. (Dec 7-2)
5th Place Match
Cameron Rasmussen (Riverbend) 35-15, Sr. over Donovan Burks (Strasburg) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 1:16)
7th Place Match
Trent Fox (Berkeley Springs) 45-14, Jr. over James Ortuno (Benedictine ) 33-19, Sr. (Dec 10-3)
9th Place Match
Spencer Groo (Woodgrove) 3-6, Jr. over Jordan Unger (Berkeley Springs) 0-5, So. (TF-1.5 2:21 (17-0))

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Maximus Fortier of Fairmont Senior
2nd Place - Cameron Cannaday of Mount St. Joseph
3rd Place - Carter Huston of Skyline
4th Place - Aiden Cain of Berkeley Springs
5th Place - Jurgis Petraitis of Woodgrove
6th Place - Cole Hershberger of Benedictine
7th Place - Kraig Bolte of Riverbend
8th Place - Dane Gordon of Stonebridge
9th Place - Tyler Osuch of Washington
10th Place - Ryan Haggerty of Spring Mills
11th Place - Grady Gocke of Benedictine
Champ. Round 1
Cameron Cannaday (Mount St. Joseph) 33-9, . over Carter Huston (Skyline) 37-23, Sr. (Fall 4:56)
Champ. Round 2
Maximus Fortier (Fairmont Senior) 46-1, So. over Carter Huston (Skyline) 37-23, Sr. (Fall 1:09)
Champ. Round 3
Maximus Fortier (Fairmont Senior) 46-1, So. over Cameron Cannaday (Mount St. Joseph) 33-9, . (DQ)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Blake Jacobson of Washington
2nd Place - Will Brooks of Stonebridge
3rd Place - Alek Detrick of Keyser
4th Place - Kollin Sullivan of Berkeley Springs
5th Place - Luke Barbieri of Riverbend
6th Place - Brodie Carley of Woodgrove
7th Place - Thomas Clodfelter of Stonebridge
8th Place - Lane Goetz of Woodgrove
9th Place - Kaleb Lyons of Spring Mills
10th Place - Aiden Curry of Skyline
11th Place - Jake Poppa of Benedictine
12th Place - Jacob Lama of Strasburg
Champ. Round 1
Blake Jacobson (Washington) 48-3, Sr. over Will Brooks (Stonebridge) 4-1, Jr. (TF-1.5 6:00 (27-11))
Champ. Round 2
Will Brooks (Stonebridge) 4-1, Jr. over Alek Detrick (Keyser) 49-17, Sr. (TF-1.5 2:00 (21-2))
Champ. Round 3
Blake Jacobson (Washington) 48-3, Sr. over Alek Detrick (Keyser) 49-17, Sr. (TF-1.5 1:26 (17-2))

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Joey DiVello of Skyline
2nd Place - Zachery Meisenzahl of Washington
3rd Place - Daniel Shoemaker of Keyser
4th Place - Ronin Foldes of Benedictine
5th Place - Garrin Place of Berkeley Springs
6th Place - Evan Taylor of Riverbend
7th Place - Mathew Mitchell of Woodgrove
8th Place - Ibrahim Nawab of Stonebridge
9th Place - Ryker Welch of Washington
1st Place Match
Joey DiVello (Skyline) 52-5, Sr. over Zachery Meisenzahl (Washington) 55-9, Sr. (MD 20-10)
3rd Place Match
Daniel Shoemaker (Keyser) 37-23, Sr. over Ronin Foldes (Benedictine ) 24-9, Sr. (Inj. 0:00)
5th Place Match
Garrin Place (Berkeley Springs) 11-8, Jr. over Evan Taylor (Riverbend) 2-3, So. (Fall 1:07)
7th Place Match
Mathew Mitchell (Woodgrove) 2-3, So. over Ibrahim Nawab (Stonebridge) 0-4, So. (Fall 1:09)
9th Place Match
Ryker Welch (Washington) 0-4, Fr. over () , . (Bye)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - AJ Lopez of Washington
2nd Place - Luke Benkelman of Woodgrove
3rd Place - Krystian Norris of Berkeley Springs
4th Place - Ryan Williams of Skyline
5th Place - Luke Marlowe of Riverbend
6th Place - Tommy Bergin of Benedictine
7th Place - Isaac Metcalf of Keyser
8th Place - Cale Denton of Spring Mills
9th Place - Patrick Kie of Skyline
1st Place Match
AJ Lopez (Washington) 48-13, Jr. over Luke Benkelman (Woodgrove) 45-8, Sr. (Dec 6-4)
3rd Place Match
Krystian Norris (Berkeley Springs) 34-12, Sr. over Ryan Williams (Skyline) 18-27, Sr. (Fall 1:33)
5th Place Match
Luke Marlowe (Riverbend) 27-16, Sr. over Tommy Bergin (Benedictine ) 6-10, So. (Fall 0:34)
7th Place Match
Isaac Metcalf (Keyser) 1-3, Fr. over Cale Denton (Spring Mills) 1-3, Jr. (M. For.)
9th Place Match
Patrick Kie (Skyline) 0-4, Fr. over () , . (Bye)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Ibrahim Zaky of Woodgrove
2nd Place - Nate Jackson of Stonebridge
3rd Place - Brannock Barlow of Washington
4th Place - Landon Synder of Benedictine
5th Place - Brandon Prater of Riverbend
6th Place - Liam Gould of Keyser
7th Place - Adam Hoffman of Spring Mills
8th Place - Ayden Wolfe of Skyline
Round 1
Ibrahim Zaky (Woodgrove) 45-11, So. over Ayden Wolfe (Skyline) 0-5, Fr. (TF-1.5 1:10 (19-4))
Landon Synder (Benedictine ) 2-3, Jr. over Brandon Prater (Riverbend) 9-12, Sr. (Fall 1:56)
Brannock Barlow (Washington) 3-2, Fr. over Liam Gould (Keyser) 18-17, So. (Fall 1:29)
Adam Hoffman (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. over Nate Jackson (Stonebridge) 3-2, Sr. (Fall 4:34)
Round 2
Ibrahim Zaky (Woodgrove) 45-11, So. over Landon Synder (Benedictine ) 2-3, Jr. (Fall 2:29)
Brandon Prater (Riverbend) 9-12, Sr. over Ayden Wolfe (Skyline) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:18)
Nate Jackson (Stonebridge) 3-2, Sr. over Liam Gould (Keyser) 18-17, So. (Fall 1:46)
Brannock Barlow (Washington) 3-2, Fr. over Adam Hoffman (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. (Dec 8-7)
Round 3
Ibrahim Zaky (Woodgrove) 45-11, So. over Brandon Prater (Riverbend) 9-12, Sr. (TF-1.5 2:20 (17-1))
Landon Synder (Benedictine ) 2-3, Jr. over Ayden Wolfe (Skyline) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:16)
Liam Gould (Keyser) 18-17, So. over Adam Hoffman (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. (Fall 1:10)
Nate Jackson (Stonebridge) 3-2, Sr. over Brannock Barlow (Washington) 3-2, Fr. (Fall 1:00)
Round 4
Ibrahim Zaky (Woodgrove) 45-11, So. over Brannock Barlow (Washington) 3-2, Fr. (Fall 1:05)
Nate Jackson (Stonebridge) 3-2, Sr. over Landon Synder (Benedictine ) 2-3, Jr. (Fall 1:44)
Adam Hoffman (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. over Brandon Prater (Riverbend) 9-12, Sr. (Fall 1:16)
Liam Gould (Keyser) 18-17, So. over Ayden Wolfe (Skyline) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:14)
Round 5
Ibrahim Zaky (Woodgrove) 45-11, So. over Nate Jackson (Stonebridge) 3-2, Sr. (Fall 2:43)
Brannock Barlow (Washington) 3-2, Fr. over Landon Synder (Benedictine ) 2-3, Jr. (Fall 2:40)
Brandon Prater (Riverbend) 9-12, Sr. over Liam Gould (Keyser) 18-17, So. (Fall 0:50)
Adam Hoffman (Spring Mills) 3-2, Jr. over Ayden Wolfe (Skyline) 0-5, Fr. (Fall 0:15)

Guaranteed Places
1st Place - Kojo Osafo-Mensah of Washington
2nd Place - Jake Anderson of Keyser
3rd Place - Remington Sites of Berkeley Springs
4th Place - Brice Russell of Stonebridge
5th Place - Max Calle of Benedictine
6th Place - Maddox Fackel of Woodgrove
7th Place - Tytus Drake of Skyline
8th Place - Julian Morrison of Woodgrove
9th Place - Chris Stadler of Berkeley Springs
1st Place Match
Kojo Osafo-Mensah (Washington) 45-19, Sr. over Jake Anderson (Keyser) 51-12, Sr. (Fall 0:29)
3rd Place Match
Remington Sites (Berkeley Springs) 37-16, Sr. over Brice Russell (Stonebridge) 2-3, Sr. (Fall 3:42)
5th Place Match
Max Calle (Benedictine ) 6-6, Jr. over Maddox Fackel (Woodgrove) 2-3, So. (Fall 1:31)
7th Place Match
Tytus Drake (Skyline) 30-25, So. over Julian Morrison (Woodgrove) 0-4, Sr. (Fall 2:34)
9th Place Match
Chris Stadler (Berkeley Springs) 0-4, Jr. over () , . (Bye)

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