Twitter feed, and Other Issues

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Twitter feed, and Other Issues

Postby admin » Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:20 am

1) As regular readers know, we were hacked on January 5 and the website was blocked. Had everything back in 48 hrs, Google Webmaster has given us a clean bill of health since then, but there has been some persistant quirky behavior - some re-directs to some odd page or some such.

2) Just this evening, after racking my brain for several weeks, I THINK I finally have the problem solved. One .htaccess file in the root of the hosting server which was not cleaned up. I fixed this this PM, and now the residual quirkiness seems to be resolved.

3) If anyone finds more quirky behavior, please email me.

4) At this year's state tournament we are going to try to run real-time updates via Twitter. I have a page set up at

(The service I used the last two years, CoveritLive, is no longer free. To continue to use this would be $thousands).

This will only work if we can get a reliable internet connection at the Civic Center, and a few other maybes. However, I have tested it some and so far it seems to work. Keep your fingers crossed.

You don't have to register with Twitter to get the updates via the page noted above. However, if you are a Twitter user, you can log in to your account and follow that way.

It is possible to get the twitter feeds via your smart phone, Kindle, or some other hand held devices, if you have the Twitter app activated and then add the two WV-Mat Twitter accounts as ones you are following. (Note: I have TWO Twitter accoounts. We are going to try to have TWO twitterers, one for AAA and one for AA/A. It is hard for one person to keep up with both).

Twitter takes a while to figure out. That is why I am posting this in advance in case someone wants to tinker around with it ahead of time.

By all means, if any questions, post back to this thread. One of the reasons for having this website is for old fogeys like me to learn the ways of the Internet. I probably won't be able to answer your questions, but perhaps someone else can.
Jenny Hannan

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Re: Twitter feed, and Other Issues

Postby admin » Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:50 pm

Well, a change in plans.

Don't think I can do separate twitter feeds for both classes, so will plan on doing one twitter feed.

Have opened a new WV-Mat twitter account, and will soon deactivate the two others.

Check the twitter page at
Jenny Hannan

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Re: Twitter feed, and Other Issues

Postby admin » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:46 am

From the Editor:

The twitter feed kinda worked and kinda didn't. They blocked me for about 45 minutes after 150 tweets. They said you get 1,000 tweets per day, but there is a proviso in their fine print ... "...1,000 per day. The daily update limit is further broken down into smaller limits for semi-hourly intervals. "

I guess the smaller limit for semi-hourly interval is what got me.

When I could no longer broadcast on @wvmat, I added another twitter account which I have to the widget page on this website and continued with it. After about an hour I was again able to use the @wvmat account.

The wifi connection at the civic center was fine. I did not anticipate this glitch.

I am going to try to keep using this. I was making each match result an individual tweet. I'll cram more info into each tweet.

Fact is, the our friendly computer operater friends at the States, Robert St Clair, Cathy St Clair, and Mrs Archer, are using the live update service provided by the computer softwart, TWT. There are directions on how to access this live update on the front page of the website. Check "what's new" for February 21.
Jenny Hannan

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Twitter feed and Other Issues

Postby Brettzfynn » Mon Oct 02, 2017 8:02 pm

Photobucket can only size my avatar pic down to 100 x 75 but ASV still says its too big when I try to use it.
Any suggestions?
I was advised superior trading system for self-earnings

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