Middle School Team Pages...

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Middle School Team Pages...

Postby admin » Thu Feb 14, 2019 9:56 am

...are by and large out of date and useless. I noticed it a few days ago. Some have been updated recently. Some not for 10+ years. Some pages are listed and the school is closed.

In an effort to begin to update them, I have done Google searches on XXX Middle School. Get the latest info. When you go to that school's current school website it is just as bad. I got academic lists from someone at a school, but when you go to their website, it doesn't even list wrestling as a school sport, let alone indicate who the Coach is.

I thought the info at http://www.wvssac.org/sports-schedules/ would be current. However, I found one junior high roster with a wrestler's name who was also on the academic list sent to me from some nearby high school. A problem with the internet (one of many) is that you can find a page of info, and there is no date. You have no way of knowing if that info was updated last week or 10 years ago. I can think of no other communications media that does not date their work. Newspapers, magazines, books, letters - all have dates. Internet - no clue.

So, if anyone is inclined, check out your Middle School webpage at http://wvmat.com/jrhi/jrhi.htm

If the info is out of date, email me an update. I am going to try to remember to put dates on my pages.

I must accept your criticism "Middle School season is practically over. Why are you doing this now?"

Well, better late than never.
Jenny Hannan wvmat@outlook.com

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