Forum Rules

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Forum Rules

Postby admin » Thu Dec 29, 2016 2:28 am

Rules Of the forum
No unsportsmanlike conduct.
Unsportsmanlike conduct includes but is not limited to swearing, taunting, intimidation, baiting, indicating displeasure with an official's call, questioning an official's judgment, and acts of disrespect or those actions which incite negative reaction by others. These are the rules which are enforced in a wrestling match, and the same definitions apply here. Those guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct may have their posts removed and posting privileges suspended.

No soliciting or advertising, other than announcements for camps and clinics.

Other items deemed objectionable or unrelated to West Virginia Wrestling may be removed at the editor's discretion. We reserve the right to remove posts to which other readers object. We are just trying to keep everybody happy!!

WV-Mat reserves the right to reject usernames in the event that a chosen username results in an unwanted association with another person or organization.

*Views expressed by users of this forum do not represent the opinion or position of the editors of WV-Mat.
Jenny Hannan

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