We are still looking for at least 2 more teams so please spread the word!
The flyer will be emailed today and posted on WVmat soon!
Search found 28 matches
- Wed Jan 15, 2025 4:58 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - January 25th 2025
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2118
- Fri Jan 10, 2025 8:00 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - January 25th 2025
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2118
Re: Barboursville Brawl - January 25th 2025
My phone number is 3049526784, Jordan Carinelli, if you have any questions.
- Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:59 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - January 25th 2025
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2118
Barboursville Brawl - January 25th 2025
Due to some cancellations this season we need to fill some weigh ins. Barboursville will be hosting a Dual Tournament on Saturday January 25th at Cabell Midland High School. Format: 12 or 15 team dual Pools will be drawn then repooled for placements. Every team will get 6 matches Entry fee - $250 Ch...
- Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:37 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Wahama middle school is looking for a tournament
- Replies: 1
- Views: 1479
Re: Wahama middle school is looking for a tournament
Just sent you a text
- Thu Jan 09, 2025 7:52 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Dual Tournament 1-25-2025
- Replies: 0
- Views: 1574
Dual Tournament 1-25-2025
With weather cancelling tournaments this weekend and possibly next, are there any teams interested in Filling weighins with a dual tournament on 1-25-2025? I would look to hosting one in the Ona area if there is enough team interest.
- Wed Jan 03, 2024 5:20 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 38764
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
Final team list. Let me know if you can’t attend, there is a wait list at this point. Thanks everyone! 1. Barboursville A 2. Hurricane A 3. Hurricane B' 4. Park 5. Johnson Central 6. Buffalo 7. Jackson 8. Chapmanville 9. Oak Hill 10. Winfield 11. Point 12. Galia 13. Huntington East 14. Fayetteville ...
- Sat Dec 09, 2023 7:54 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 38764
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
Sorry everyone a career change took my mind off of updating the list on the order we received entries. The tournament is as follows, looking forward to seeing everyone there! 1. Barboursville A 2. Hurricane A 3. Hurricane B' 4. Park 5. Johnson Central 6. Buffalo 7. Jackson 8. Chapmanville 9. Oak Hil...
- Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:06 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 38764
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
Teams as of 09/05/2023
1. Barboursville
2. Hurricane A
3. Hurricane B'
4. Park
5. Johnson Central
6. Buffalo
7. Jackson
8. Chapmanville
9. Oak Hill
10. Winfield
11. Point (Pending their conference date)
12. Man
13. Huntington East
14. Milton
1. Barboursville
2. Hurricane A
3. Hurricane B'
4. Park
5. Johnson Central
6. Buffalo
7. Jackson
8. Chapmanville
9. Oak Hill
10. Winfield
11. Point (Pending their conference date)
12. Man
13. Huntington East
14. Milton
- Mon Aug 28, 2023 12:33 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 38764
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
Team List as of 8/28/23
1. Barboursville
2. Hurricane A
3. Hurricane B'
4. Park
5. Johnson Central
6. Buffalo
7. Jackson
8. Chapmanville
9. Oak Hill
10. Winfield
11. Point (Pending their conference date)
1. Barboursville
2. Hurricane A
3. Hurricane B'
4. Park
5. Johnson Central
6. Buffalo
7. Jackson
8. Chapmanville
9. Oak Hill
10. Winfield
11. Point (Pending their conference date)
- Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:23 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
- Replies: 10
- Views: 38764
Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 6th - 6 MATCHES!
Barboursville Middle School will be hosting a 16 team duals tournament on Saturday, January 6th, 2024. Thanks to the NFHS rule change, every team will get 6 matches! Format: 4 mats; Teams will be grouped into 4 pools, and pools will be re-drawn after the morning session. Awards for the top 4 teams! ...
- Wed Aug 23, 2023 6:18 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Winfield MS - Setting up matches for 2023-24
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10919
Re: Winfield MS - Setting up matches for 2023-24
Hi, Barboursville will be on January 6 I’ll be posting it today. I’ll make sure to add you!
- Mon Feb 13, 2023 9:57 pm
- Forum: High School Wrestling
- Topic: Bville Middle School Region 4 Parking
- Replies: 6
- Views: 3106
Re: Bville Middle School Region 4 Parking
Steele memorial has an agreement with BMS and let’s them use their parking lot for athletic events as long as it’s not scheduled at the same time as a church service; so you can park there. You can also park on the blacktopped road beside the football field and at the bus garage parking lot if open....
- Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:34 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th - POOLS ADDED
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4273
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th - POOLS ADDED
Mat 1
Mat 2
Shady Springs
Mat 3
Oak Hill
Huntington East
Mat 2
Shady Springs
Mat 3
Oak Hill
Huntington East
- Sun Jan 01, 2023 4:07 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th - POOLS ADDED
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4273
Re: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th
Weight will be Base+3 due to some teams having other competitions mid-week.
Looking forward to having everyone up, please let me know if your plans have changed and you no longer plan to attend but as of now we are full.
- Coach Carinelli
Looking forward to having everyone up, please let me know if your plans have changed and you no longer plan to attend but as of now we are full.
- Coach Carinelli
- Wed Dec 28, 2022 1:10 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Mt. State Clash
- Replies: 6
- Views: 4338
Re: Mt. State Clash
Thanks for the Barboursville add, any idea on update pools? Looking forward to it as always!
- Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:57 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Junior High out of state teams/9th grade
- Replies: 3
- Views: 2554
Re: Junior High out of state teams/9th grade
You’d probably want to seek guidance from WVSSAC to make sure, but they will likely point you to rule 127-2-3.2.d which says: “Students enrolled in 9th grade may participate only on High School Teams…” I know that is the rule for WV teams but for liability reasons they might hold out of state teams ...
- Tue Sep 27, 2022 12:35 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Match needed - January 21st
- Replies: 2
- Views: 2200
Match needed - January 21st
Is anyone planning on holding a dual tournament or anything on the 20th or 21st? Haven’t seen anything yet and was trying to finish up our schedule. Have a great season everyone!
- Wed Sep 21, 2022 1:12 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Glenville State Boys and Girls Championship - 12/27-28
- Replies: 8
- Views: 4952
Re: Glenville State Boys and Girls Championship - 12/27-28
Hi Brent, do you have a list of middle school teams that are interested in coming or committed so far?
- Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:37 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th - POOLS ADDED
- Replies: 4
- Views: 4273
Barboursville Brawl - Dual Tournament January 7th - POOLS ADDED
Barboursville Middle School will be hosting a 12 team duals tournament on Saturday, January 7th, 2023. Format: 3 mats; Teams will be grouped into 3 pools of 4 teams each, and then pools will be redrawn into 4 pools of 3 teams based on the previous pools’ results. Each team should get 5 matches. Extr...
- Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:29 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: January 7th
- Replies: 2
- Views: 1877
Re: January 7th
Hi Coach, Barboursville Middle School is looking to host a tournament that weekend. Information should be out this week.
- Sat Mar 03, 2018 11:47 pm
- Forum: Youth Wrestling
- Topic: Wvywa seeds and entries
- Replies: 10
- Views: 8979
Re: Wvywa seeds and entries
thenaturalsmom wrote:i dont know! but theyre all on trackwrestling. you can even see the brackets already and if you click individual names you can see their record and what theyve placed at other tournaments this season
I only see region 2 on Track Wrestling. Are you saying all the wvywa regions are listed on track?
- Sat Feb 17, 2018 8:25 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6907
Treerat wrote:I agree. I've been wanting to see Bartley and Wright matchup all year. Will be worth the drive to Parkersburg, but can't count Price out
Wright pinned Bradbury in 3rd. Bartley beat Price 10-0. Finals are set.
- Wed Feb 14, 2018 11:47 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6907
I can't wait to watch the 98 lb bracket at Junior States. 2 undefeated middle school WSAZ champions, Gage Wright and Matthew Bartley, and a WSAZ runner up in Judah Price all in the same weight class. This is gonna be a great bracket to watch.
- Fri Jan 05, 2018 5:15 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Middle School Duals
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6028
Re: Barboursville Middle School Duals
Unless any thing changes, looks like we will have 10 teams tomorrow. 1) Barboursville 2) Huntington East 3) Buffalo Wayne 4) McKinley 5) Harts 6) Ironton OH 7) Chesapeake OH 8) Ashland KY 9) Johnson Central KY 10) Barboursville JV We can still add two more. If no additions, we will be wrestling 2 po...
- Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:19 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Middle School Team Poll
- Replies: 22
- Views: 16100
Re: Middle School Team Poll
Double post.
- Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:27 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Middle School Team Poll
- Replies: 22
- Views: 16100
Re: Middle School Team Poll
So your saying Bville was at full strength when Hayes beat them forfeiting two spots. I'm not sure what Hayes was. Barboursville was down a starter though as he got a concussion in the DuPont match, which was the prior match. Hayes won by 3. Hayes is a good team and has beat Bville two straight yea...
- Wed Jan 03, 2018 12:21 am
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Topic: Barboursville Middle School Duals
- Replies: 7
- Views: 6028
Re: Barboursville Middle School Duals
Barboursville duals will take place this Saturday the 6th. If you are signed up but don't plan on coming or having issues please contact Coach Salmons at 681-203-4088 as soon as possible. We still have two openings if your interested. There will be +3 weight allowance do to some schools not getting ...
- Sun Dec 31, 2017 2:55 pm
- Forum: Middle School Wrestling
- Replies: 13
- Views: 7567
I think there were quite a few teams who were without starters. Hayes was missing a couple and Barboursville was missing 3. Flu season and injuries are taking its toll right now. Hopefully everyone will be at full strength come z's. Regardless, great job by DuPont. Congratulations on winning the Cla...