Search found 2 matches

by Barcher67
Sat Jan 09, 2016 10:37 pm
Forum: High School Wrestling
Topic: WSAZ Tournament
Replies: 11
Views: 6360

Re: WSAZ Tournament

Getting back to original question. I answered your question. The same teams are invited as last year if they enter again this year you will see it after the seeding meeting on Sunday.
by Barcher67
Fri Jan 08, 2016 11:51 am
Forum: High School Wrestling
Topic: WSAZ Tournament
Replies: 11
Views: 6360

Re: WSAZ Tournament

Guys-thanks for your questions. Any team can bring any 2nd team guy they want. We do separate 2 but we try to stop 3 from the Same team, because if they meet before finals the parents get up set. As far as what teams come, who ever as been before is always welcome and I have never turned team down t...

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